
Sarah Shaw_Pure 21.jpg

Week 3 is done, and results are in!

I set off three weeks ago to get rid of my migraines.  Yes, there were other things which were bothering me – my sleep wasn’t great, I didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning and kept hitting ‘snooze’.  Hot flushes weren’t bad, but they were there, and I was often waking at 4am feeling anxious about the day ahead.  I was tired – I found myself having a nap in the afternoon – Crikey, I’m only 53, why was I needing an afternoon nap?!?!?!  And I just didn’t have the energy to attack the jobs on my ‘to do’ list which was rapidly getting out of control.

But the main thing was the migraines.  And the fear of the migraines.  Don’t get me wrong, the majority of my migraines aren’t too bad.  Zig-zag coloured lights in my vision which gradually increase to a blind spot, sometimes over half my field of vision, a dull headache follows with a weird feeling of not quite being here and feeling a bit queezy.  I can often manage by closing my eyes for 20 minutes until the vision returns, drinking plenty of water and possibly taking an e9, and then I can continue with my daily routine and work, albeit at a slightly slower pace than normal. But some are horrendous.  They all start the same way, with that feeling that you can’t see properly, and then the zig zags appear, and if you aren’t lucky, then the vision almost completely goes and light sensitivity arrives.  Numbness in the fingers and down one side of the face.  Inability to speak because although you sort of know the word you need, it won’t actually come out of your mouth. And then the headache – horrific headache – and nausea.   It’s scary, and so when the zig zags arrive, the fear sets in, in case it’s a bad one…

So yes, the migraines were the real reason I did Pure 21, but just look at what improved!!

  • Migraines haven’t made an appearance since the start of week 2

  • Sleep much better

  • Energy levels up

  • Positivity back

  • Productivity optimised

  • Foggy head gone

  • Hot flushes no more

  • Anxiety no longer an issue

  • Body fat gone from my middle

  • Cravings gone

  • Running improved

And all this by improving the health of my gut, which seemingly didn’t have a problem!  The human body is an amazing thing, but without the amazing microbes which live in and on us, it suffers in ways you wouldn’t imagine. 

I don’t suffer with gut problems.  I don’t have IBS; I don’t get acid reflux; I don’t suffer with indigestion; I don’t have food allergies; My bowels are regular; I eat pretty well, even when I don’t (if you see what I mean!) But I now understand why Hippocrates said:

 “All Disease Begins in the Gut.”

Sarah x


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